Friday, December 30, 2011

Joseph Forrai, circa 1934

Subjects: Fourth from the left, Joseph Forrai(age 21).
Date: 1934.
Occasion: Work Photograph.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. I found this photograph in a box while going through my mother's belongings after her passing.

On the back of the photograph was written 'work 1934'. This photograph was most likely in the possession of my Grandmother Rose, and at one time passed to my father.

During this time, my father worked for Patrick Cudahy. Patrick Cudahy was a meat packer, and my father worked his way up to traffic manager. My father started at the company at age 16 in the mail room. My father only completed two years of high school, because his family was poor, he had to go and work to support his mother and siblings.

A traffic manager was responsible for the shipments of the product by truck, rail and even ships. Patrick Cudahy was a major player in shipping pork products both fresh and canned. My father continued to work for the company into the 1960's, until the company was sold and my father laid off.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Greetings Forrai's 1968

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1968.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Parents, Joseph and Norma.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father aways used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

This photograph was taken at the construction site of our new home on Scharles Avenue.  We actually moved into this house a few days before Christmas 1968. It was not quite completed, as rooms still needed to be painted and there was no carpeting or flooring on the first floor. The Luther Avenue house sold quickly, and we lived with my Uncle Leo and Aunt Elizabeth for several weeks before this house was complete. I still have the stocking cap in this photograph. The coat that I am wearing was a hand-me-down from my cousins Daniel and Richard Waswo.

You may wonder how my dad got the lettering on the corner of the photograph. He wrote it with a black marker on a clear piece of plastic and exposed it when he made each print.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Seasons Greetings 1966

Seasons Greetings 1965

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, December 16, 2011

Season Greetings Forrai's 1966

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1966.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Parents, Joseph and Norma.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father aways used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

This photograph was taken at our front door. My mother had a shear curtain covering the true leaded glass multiple pane solid wood door. The shirts we are wearing were western in design, quite popular for this era, and made by my mother. Notice the tall radiator and letter holder by our front entrance.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Seasons Greetings Forrai's 1965

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, December 9, 2011

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1965

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1965.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Parents, Joseph and Norma.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father aways used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

The early Christmas greetings centered around the fireplace. The stockings hung by the fireplace were knit by my mother, Norma Forrai. I still have that sock and it hangs on the door knob in my house each holiday season. The PJs and slippers that I am wearing in this photograph were handmade by my mother. My brother is wearing a PJ suit with the enclosed feet.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, December 2, 2011

Greetings Forrai's '64

Subject: David and Louis Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1964.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Parents, Joseph and Norma.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father aways used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

The early Christmas greetings centered around the fireplace.  The stockings hung by the fireplace were knit by my mother, Norma Forrai. I still have that sock and it hangs on the door knob in my house each holiday season.

This photograph, 1964, was taken in the dining room on my childhood home on Luther Avenue. My father pinned the plastic Greetings to the curtain. This was the west end of the house. If you look closely you will see the radiator.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Albert Emil Reichardt

Subjects: Unknown girl and Albert Emil Reichardt (age 64).
Date: May 1950.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Grant Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: husband of grand aunt.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. I am posting and commenting on the photographs from this album.

The 'unknown girl' in this photograph is most likely a neighbor's child. I remember my grandmother relaying this information. My Grand Uncle Albert passed away at age 73 seven months after I was born. Albert was the man that introduced my father Joseph to my mother Norma. Albert and my father were both members of the Elk Club in Milwaukee. They would meet there for lunch and play cards. I am sure at these boy's clubs there was some matchmaking going on.

My Grand Uncle and Aunt lived on a corner lot with the front of the house facing Grant Blvd in a two story white frame home. They had a large screened in front porch. My dad in the summer would occasionally sleep on the porch when he did not want to venture home after a hot card game down at the club.  As a very young child I remember spending a summer weekend with my Grand Aunt and sleeping on the front porch as well.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lucille, Daniel and George Waswo

Subjects: (Left to Right) Lucille (age 28), George Daniel III (age 1+) and George Daniel Jr. (age 32).
Date: 1949.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Maternal Aunt, Nephew and Uncle.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. I am posting and commenting on the photographs from my album.

The house number above the door reads 2728. I am not sure whose residence this is. On the back of the photograph is printed 1949. Daniel III was born in June of 1948, and to me he looks closer to age 2 in this photograph. It is obvious it was taken during a warm time of the year with George and Lucille in shirt sleeves.

Perhaps some of my family members can comment and provide further details about the Waswo's during this period.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Waswo's Country Store

Subject: Waswo Country Store.
Date: 1947.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Maternal Uncle's business.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through  boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. I am posting and commenting on the photographs from my album.

In keeping with the family tradition of bakeries and grocery stores, George Daniel Waswo Jr. opened a Deli on National Avenue. During this period, this was country! To the left, you can see the extension, and this was the residence of the Waswo's. With the advent of supermarkets, the deil did not survive. Later George and Lucille went to cosmetology school and opened a beauty shop. Lucille worked the shop until she retired at age 62. George went to work at a bank in the trust division, and the shop was leased to one of Lucille's former employees.

After Lucille passed following a battle with cancer, George hung onto the store and residence. He eventually sold the building and moved into an apartment.

To answer Karen's question (Blogger will not let me comment on my own post): I know the building lasted into the late 1980's early 1990's. When I was back in Wisconsin in 2009, I did not drive by to check it out. I went to google maps, and the building is still standing. It is a photography shop now.
Photo from google maps

Friday, November 4, 2011

Snow Storm

Date: 1947.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. On the back of the photograph, it stated this was 7 inches of snow. The picture includes people next to a bus that was stuck in a snow drift. The house in the background looks similar to the home of my grandmother. Notice the street lamp and also the cables and electric lines for the electric street cars. The 'bus' could be an electric street car. Notice the two poles on the right. It is hard to make out, but this was how the car received its power.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Gloria Rae LaPorte

Subject: Gloria Rae LaPorte.
Date: November 10, 1945.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: My mother's best friend for most of her life.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother.

This picture is of my mother Norma's best friend Gloria LaPorte Strei. The LaPortes have been close family friends for many years. Helen LaPorte was best friends with Lucy T. Waswo, and Helen's daughter Gloria was Norma's best friend. Gloria married William F. Strei and they were married 64 years. Gloria resides in Brookfield, Wisconsin.  William Strei passed away April 1, 2011 at age 87. It does not surprise me that the two families shared many photographs.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Waswo - Grulke Wedding

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Lucille Grulke.
Date: January 9, 1944.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Maternal Aunt.

This is the last photograph from my Maternal Aunt Lucille's wedding. The wedding took place during WWII, while my Maternal Uncle George Waswo was serving in the US Air Force in India and China. I have little information as to the actual wedding.

This is a stunning photograph and is 8 x 10 inch black and white. I am hoping that some of my maternal family members may be able to shed some light and more information about the wedding.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Waswo - Grulke Wedding

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: (Left to Right) Norma Elsbeth Waswo, Avis Grulke, Lucille Grulke, Unknown flower girl, George Daniel Waswo, Jr., Three Unknown groomsmen.
Date: January 9, 1944.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Mother.

In the next several weeks I will be posting photographs from my Maternal Aunt Lucille's wedding. The wedding took place during WWII, while my Maternal Uncle George Waswo was serving in the US Air Force in India and China. I have little information as to the actual wedding.

These are stunning photographs and the few that I have are 8 x 10 inch black and white. I am hoping that some of my maternal family members may be able to shed some light and more information about the wedding.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Waswo - Grulke Wedding

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: (Left to Right) Avis Grulke, Norma Elsbeth Waswo, Two Unknown groomsmen and the Minister.
Date: January 9, 1944.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Mother.

In the next several weeks I will be posting photographs from my Maternal Aunt Lucille's wedding. The wedding took place during WWII, while my Maternal Uncle George Waswo was serving in the US Air Force in India and China. I have little information as to the actual wedding.

These are stunning photographs and the few that I have are 8 x 10 inch black and white. I am hoping that some of my maternal family members may be able to shed some light and more information about the wedding.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Waswo - Grulke Wedding

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: (Left to Right) Lucille May Grulke, Unknown flower girl, Avis Grulke, Norma Elsbeth Waswo.
Date: January 9, 1944.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Maternal Aunt and Mother.

In the next several weeks I will be posting photographs from my Maternal Aunt Lucille's wedding. The wedding took place during WWII, while my Maternal Uncle George Waswo was serving in the US Airforce in India and China. I have little information as to the actual wedding.

These are stunning photographs and the few that I have are 8 x 10 inch black and white. I am hoping that some of my maternal family members may be able to shed some light and more information about the wedding.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Joseph Frank Forrai, 1940's

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1940's.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.
I am not sure whether this photograph was taken before or after my father served in the US Army during WWII. 1940's was the only thing written on the back of the photograph. This probably was a self portrait, as my father's hobby was photography and he did like to experiment with all the features his cameras had.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1940's.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai and fellow soldier.
Date: 1940's.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.
I feel very fortunate to have these photographs, because during WWII film, developing, and supplies were in very short supply. Plus, they made it through the censors if they were mailed.  My father came from a large, poor family, so the photographs were passed around. Given all the years that have passed, it is a miracle that they have survived.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai and fellow soldiers and sailors.
Date: 1940's.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai and friend.
Date: 1940's.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1940's.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Joe and another soldier gathering coconuts.
Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1943.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1942.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1940's.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1942.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Joe and his girlfriend

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Joseph F. Forrai Bockay and his girlfriend.
Date: 1941.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

Well, most certainly I am glad that this relationship did not come to pass. Here again, we have a pre-WWII photograph of my father and his girl friend. Off to war my father went, and young love died away. His girlfriend did not wait for my father's return, but found another. Had she waited, you would not be reading this, as I would not exist!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Joe and his dog.

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Joseph F. Forrai Bockay and his dog.
Date: 1941.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

I only have a few pictures of my father from this era. The dog in this picture is named Spud. As a child, I heard many stories about this dog. It was my father's favorite dog. Unfortunately, WWII got in the way, so while the family at home cared for Spud, my father was many, many miles away.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Rose Forrai Bockay and friend

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Rose Forrai Bockay and friend.
Date: 1940's.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Paternal Grandmother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

This is one of the few photographs that I have of my paternal grandmother during this era. I do not recognize the lady that is seated next to my grandmother, but perhaps one of my relatives will and will comment on this post.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Graduation from Washington High School

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Norma Elsbeth Waswo(age 19).
Date: 1940.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: High School Graduation.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Mother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

This was my mother's high school graduation picture from Washington High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you an astute observer, you will see that she graduated at age 19. If you remember from earlier posts, my grandmother pulled my mother from her senior year of high school to work the family grocery store while my grandfather was on his deathbed. My mother always resented this, especially having to graduate a year after her class. Grandmother did not take Norma's brother George out of school. Even in the 1930's and 1940's, the male in the family was considered more worth.  My grandmother wanted George to be a MD and my mother a school teacher. Neither, pursued these careers. George started college and never finished, and Norma never did have the chance to attend college. With grandfather gone, upon graduation from high school Norma joined the work force.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Best Friends

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Steve Holasek and Joseph Frank Forrai(age 27).
Date: 1940.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

This is a photograph that I have of my father and his best friend, Steve Holasek in their adulthood. My father looks a lot happier as an adult then he did as a teenager. They remained friends throughout their entire lives. My dad told the story that Steve's dad was a moonshiner during prohibition. He eventually got caught, and was jailed. This put an economic hardship on Steve and his mother.

The Holaseks did have more money than my father's family. While my father longed to attend and graduate from college, this dream never did come true. Steve, on the other hand, attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison and obtained a Bachelor's degree. I remembered that Steve was married, but I believe they had no children. When I graduated from High School, Steve provided me with a very generous gift that help pay for my college education. Perhaps in a way he felt bad that he was able to attend college, but his best friend never had the chance.

In response to Karen's comment:

Steve Holasek was born July 13, 1913, and passed away in September 1987, 12 years before my father passed away. Steve's life had plenty of ups and downs. He was married and divorced. I remember him as a young adult living in a trailer park because he lost most of his fortune in the divorce. He would visit my father often, and I remember him having dinner with my folks and going out to eat with them.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Joseph Frank Forrai, The Photographer.

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Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai(age 26).
Date: 1939.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: The Photographer.
Photographer: Al Paskowicz.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

For those of you who knew my father, you will always remember him having a camera in his hand. Photography was his favorite hobby. I think now with digital photography, he would be completely amazed.

Most of you reading this will probably have no idea of what my father is holding in his hand. If you guess camera, you are completely wrong. I will post the answer at the bottom of the page. My dad not only photographed, but also developed his pictures. In the house where I grew up, there was the darkroom designed and built by my father to his strict specifications. I can remember spending many hours observing as well as assisting my father in the making of prints. He preferred black and white, as color photographs manually is quite a labor and time consuming process.

In this photograph is a photometer to determine the light level of the room and subject. On the meter is a 'slide rule' that helped you decide what f-stop and aperture to use. What you take for granted in your digital camera, at one time you had to use your mind and hands to set the camera to obtain the best possible photograph. Photography was more of an art than a science.

My Uncle Al Paskowicz also shared the passion for photography, so my father had an ally for his passion.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Joseph Frank Forrai

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Subjects: Joseph Frank Forrai(age 26).
Date: 1939.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Out for a swim.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.
I remember this photograph from my childhood. My father was quite the swimmer in his 20's. He would relate how he would swim in Lake Michigan from Bradford Beach out to the break water. The distance out was 1 mile, so round trip was 2 miles. Regardless of the time of year, Lake Michigan rarely warms more than 65 degrees. It always was too cold for me. I am still amazed that my father could tolerate such cold water for an extended period of time.
My father was also a swim instructor at a local pool. He would tell stories about his weekly  swim classes. They separated the males from the females, and he was the instructor for the males.
My mother always found it amusing, that all these stories of such a great swimmer, and he never taught his sons how to swim. I attended swim lessons as a young boy and was terrified. It wasn't until college that I took a swim class and actually learn to swim.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Norma, Lucy and George with our maroon Chevrolet

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Subjects: (Left to Right): Norma Elsbeth Waswo(age 11), Lucy T. Waswo(age 41) and George D. Waswo, Jr.(age 15).
Date: 1932.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: George Daniel Waswo, Sr.
Relationship to me: Mother, Maternal Grandmother, Uncle.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me. The caption on this picture is: Norma, Lucy and George with our maroon Chevrolet.

All through my childhood I heard stories of the Maroon Chevrolet. This must have been the most beloved car of the Waswo family. If memory serves me correctly, this was a photograph from about the time they purchased the car. This was just seven years before the passing of my Grandfather George Sr.

My mother had a red wooden toy car that was part of her doll house. It looked very similar to the car in this photograph. She always called it the 'maroon chevrolet' and though I never really played with the doll house, I do remember playing with the wooden toy car when visiting grandmother.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Grandmother Traulsen with friends

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Subjects: (Left to Right): 2 friends and Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen.

Date: 1930's.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Great Grandmother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me. The caption on this picture is: Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen on the right with two friends. This is the only information I have. These are the very few photographs that I have of Great Grandmother Traulsen later in her life. You may do a key word search on this blog to find earlier photographs and entries.
Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen was born on November 23, 1865 in Schniedermuhl Proving Rosen, Germany.  She emigrated to the United State and arrived on October 12, 1882. She married Henning Traulsen on October 15, 1886 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had five children with four surviving to adulthood. Alma Traulsen passed away on March 8, 1941 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Herman and Bertha Wolff

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Subjects: (Left to Right): Herman and Bertha Wolff.
Date: 1930's.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me. The caption on this picture is: Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen's younger brother.  This is the only information I have.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Joe and another friend

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Subjects: Edwin Soel and Joseph Frank Forrai(age 16 years).
Date: 1929.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. Since my father's side of the family was poor and large, there are not many photographs from my father's youth. In the next few weeks, I will be posting the few that I have. The Bockay/Forrai's could not afford to make copies, so snapshots were shared. Therefore, they have been scattered amongst the family.

If my father looks unhappy in these photographs, it is because he did not have an ideal childhood. His biological father, Louis Forrai, passed away in 1919 from the Flu Pandemic. The Hungarian community arranged the marriage between Paul Bockay and Rose Forrai. My father did not have a good relationship with his step father.

I was hoping to get some additional information from my relatives on the lives of my Step-Grandfather and Grandmother during this time. I have limited knowledge. I do know that my Grandparents ran a boarding house on Holmes Avenue in Cudahy, Wisconsin. In this photograph is Edwin Soel who was a boarder at the house. My father and Edwin were friends, but that is about all the information I have.

Later in life, my Grandmother rented the upstairs apartment in a residential home on Holmes Avenue. I remember as a child visiting her there.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Best Friends

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Subjects: Steve Holasek and Joseph Frank Forrai(age 15 years).
Date: 1928.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. Since my father's side of the family was poor and large, there are not many photographs from my father's youth. In the next few weeks, I will be posting the few that I have. The Bockay/Forrai's could not afford to make copies, so snapshots were shared. Therefore, they have been scattered amongst the family.

If my father looks unhappy in these photographs, it is because he did not have an ideal childhood. His biological father, Louis Forrai, passed away in 1919 from the Flu Pandemic. The Hungarian community arranged the marriage between Paul Bockay and Rose Forrai. My father did not have a good relationship with his step father.

This is the earliest photograph that I have of my father and his best friend, Steve Holasek. They remained friends throughout their entire lives. My dad told the story that Steve's dad was a moonshiner during prohibition. He eventually got caught, and was jailed. This put an economic hardship on Steve and his mother.

The Holaseks did have more money than my father's family. While my father longed to attend and graduate from college, this dream never did come true. Steve, on the other hand, attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison and obtained a Bachelor's degree. I remembered that Steve was married, but I believe they had no children. When I graduated from High School, Steve provided me with a very generous gift that help pay for my college education. Perhaps in a way he felt bad that he was able to attend college, but his best friend never had the chance.

Friday, April 22, 2011

In Memory of

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William F. Strei

Gloria Strei

Joseph Frank Forrai

Norma Waswo Forrai

William F. Strei Prayer Card

William F. Strei Prayer Card

Obituary from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Appreciation Card from Gloria Strei
 I am taking a break this week from the family timeline, to pay tribute to a very close family friend. If you remember from my past post(Gloria and Helen LaPorte), Helen LaPorte was best friend with my Grandmother, Lucy Traulsen Waswo. Their two daughters became best friends, Gloria LaPorte Strei and Norma Waswo Forrai. Gloria's husband was William F. Strei, who passed away on April 1, 2011. These photographs were taken on July 25, 1998 at the home of William and Gloria in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Although, no blood relationship existed, sometimes friends can be closer than relatives. This is the case with the Strei's and the Forrai's. Unfortunately, time brings all friendships to an end, and Gloria is the remaining member of this friendship. William and Gloria were married in August 1947 and my mother was Gloria's maid of honor. William and Gloria were married for 63 years, a real tribute to love and commitment.

I have always referred to Bill and Gloria as my "Uncle" and "Aunt". They will always be as close and dear in my heart as my 'real' Uncles and Aunts.

With this posting I wish to express my deepest sympathy to my Aunt Gloria, and Uncle Bill's remaining family and friends. My Uncle Bill was a very special person and will be missed by all who knew him.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Road Trip

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Subjects: (Left to Right): Paul Bockay(age: 47 years), Joseph Forrai(age: 15 years), George Bockay(age: 45 years), and Rose Forrai Bockay(age: 40 years).
Date: 1928.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Photographer: Unknown.
Automobile: 1925 Hudson.
Relationship to me: Step-Grandfather, Father, Step-Grand Uncle, and Paternal Grandmother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. Since my father's side of the family was poor and large, there are not many photographs from my father's youth. In the next few weeks, I will be posting the few that I have. The Bockay/Forrai's could not afford to make copies, so snapshots were shared. Therefore, they have been scattered amongst the family.

If my father looks unhappy in these photographs, it is because he did not have an ideal childhood. His biological father, Louis Forrai, passed away in 1919 from the Flu Pandemic. The Hungarian community arranged the marriage between Paul Bockay and Rose Forrai. My father did not have a good relationship with his step father.

My father started his first year of high school. I am unclear whether he ever completed it. At this time, the family was lacking money, so my father went off to work at Patrick Cudahy Meat Packers in the mail room. I have never found a high school diploma or GED. It is unclear whether my father ever finished high school.

He eventually worked his way up at Patrick Cudahy to traffic manager, and that was his job when I was born. The company changed hands in the early 1960's, and that was when my dad left. From there he pursued real estate and construction. He was a licensed broker as well as realtor. Eventually he partnered, and ran a new residential home construction company until he retired at age 65.

Friday, April 8, 2011

School Days

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Subjects: First row, 4th from left, Joseph Frank Forrai(age 14 years).
Date: 1927.
Occasion: 8th Grade Graduation.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother.  Since my father's side of the family was poor and large, there are not many photographs from my father's youth. In the next few weeks, I will be posting the few that I have. The Bockay/Forrai's could not afford to make copies, so snapshots were shared. Therefore, they have been scattered amongst the family.

I believe this is the 8th grade graduation photograph from my father's class. I know that dad continued school and was in high school. He would tell me stories that he excelled and was placed in higher level classes. He never told me whether he graduated. I have never found an actual high school diploma, nor any record of his graduation.

The story my father tells, is that he left school to work in the mail room of Patrick Cudahy, a meat packer. He eventually worked his way up to traffic manager, and that was his job when I was born. The company changed hands in the early 1960's, and that was when my dad left. From there he pursued real estate and construction. He was a licensed broker as well as realtor. Eventually he partnered, and ran a new residential home construction company until he retired at age 65.