Friday, May 20, 2011

Grandmother Traulsen with friends

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Subjects: (Left to Right): 2 friends and Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen.

Date: 1930's.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Great Grandmother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me. The caption on this picture is: Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen on the right with two friends. This is the only information I have. These are the very few photographs that I have of Great Grandmother Traulsen later in her life. You may do a key word search on this blog to find earlier photographs and entries.
Alma Helen Wolff Traulsen was born on November 23, 1865 in Schniedermuhl Proving Rosen, Germany.  She emigrated to the United State and arrived on October 12, 1882. She married Henning Traulsen on October 15, 1886 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had five children with four surviving to adulthood. Alma Traulsen passed away on March 8, 1941 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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