Friday, December 30, 2011

Joseph Forrai, circa 1934

Subjects: Fourth from the left, Joseph Forrai(age 21).
Date: 1934.
Occasion: Work Photograph.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. I found this photograph in a box while going through my mother's belongings after her passing.

On the back of the photograph was written 'work 1934'. This photograph was most likely in the possession of my Grandmother Rose, and at one time passed to my father.

During this time, my father worked for Patrick Cudahy. Patrick Cudahy was a meat packer, and my father worked his way up to traffic manager. My father started at the company at age 16 in the mail room. My father only completed two years of high school, because his family was poor, he had to go and work to support his mother and siblings.

A traffic manager was responsible for the shipments of the product by truck, rail and even ships. Patrick Cudahy was a major player in shipping pork products both fresh and canned. My father continued to work for the company into the 1960's, until the company was sold and my father laid off.

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