Friday, April 22, 2011

In Memory of

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William F. Strei

Gloria Strei

Joseph Frank Forrai

Norma Waswo Forrai

William F. Strei Prayer Card

William F. Strei Prayer Card

Obituary from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Appreciation Card from Gloria Strei
 I am taking a break this week from the family timeline, to pay tribute to a very close family friend. If you remember from my past post(Gloria and Helen LaPorte), Helen LaPorte was best friend with my Grandmother, Lucy Traulsen Waswo. Their two daughters became best friends, Gloria LaPorte Strei and Norma Waswo Forrai. Gloria's husband was William F. Strei, who passed away on April 1, 2011. These photographs were taken on July 25, 1998 at the home of William and Gloria in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

Although, no blood relationship existed, sometimes friends can be closer than relatives. This is the case with the Strei's and the Forrai's. Unfortunately, time brings all friendships to an end, and Gloria is the remaining member of this friendship. William and Gloria were married in August 1947 and my mother was Gloria's maid of honor. William and Gloria were married for 63 years, a real tribute to love and commitment.

I have always referred to Bill and Gloria as my "Uncle" and "Aunt". They will always be as close and dear in my heart as my 'real' Uncles and Aunts.

With this posting I wish to express my deepest sympathy to my Aunt Gloria, and Uncle Bill's remaining family and friends. My Uncle Bill was a very special person and will be missed by all who knew him.

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