Friday, December 28, 2012

Unknown Wedding

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subjects: Unknown couple.
Date: 1950's.
Location: Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Joseph F. Forrai.
I came across this 8 x 10 photograph amongst my father's belongings. I have emailed it to several of my cousins to see if they could identify the couple.  My father considered himself an amateur photographer, and this might have been an extra print from a wedding that he photographed.
I welcome any additional comments or information from family and friends about this photograph.
My Cousin Dorinne Green wrote on a facebook comment: It might be Mary Benson and Donald Borgwardt. Donald would be a second cousin to Caroline and me. Donald and Mary divorced, don't know when, and both are deceased, don't know date. Caroline might be able to make a more positive ID. Cheers.
I have since sent the photograph to my Cousin Caroline, but have not received a response.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Peace On Earth, 1972

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1972.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Brother.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father always used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

This photograph was taken in the hallway of our home on Scharles Avenue.  We moved into this house a few days before Christmas 1968. The cat in the picture is of Fluffy, our yellow tabby cat. He was a sweet, smart cat. My father taught him to fetch. There were a couple of large poinsettia flowers at the top of the signs that were cut out of the photograph.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Cheers 1971

Merry Christmas 1970

Happy Holidays 1969

Greetings Forrai's 1968

Season Greetings Forrai's 1966

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1965

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, December 14, 2012

Cheers! 1971

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1971.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Brother.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father always used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

This photograph was taken in the basement of our home on Scharles Avenue.  We moved into this house a few days before Christmas 1968. It was during this year that my father finished off a room in the basement with wood paneling and a tile floor. This room was considered the office and work room for most of the year. When we had a large gathering, we even used it as a dining room, as the kitchen was at the top of the stairs. The cat in the picture is of Fluffy, our yellow tabby cat. He was a sweet, smart cat. My father taught him to fetch. The Santa heads were stockings that my grandmother gave us one year, filled with candy and small toys.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Merry Christmas 1970

Happy Holidays 1969

Greetings Forrai's 1968

Season Greetings Forrai's 1966

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1965

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, December 7, 2012

Merry Christmas 1970

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1970.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Brother.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father always used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

This photograph was taken at our new home on Scharles Avenue.  We actually moved into this house a few days before Christmas 1968. It was not quite completed, as rooms still needed to be painted and there was no carpeting or flooring on the first floor. The Luther Avenue house sold quickly, and we lived with my Uncle Leo and Aunt Elizabeth for several weeks before this house was complete.

My father was very proud of the blue spruce he planted in the front yard. 1970 was also the year that we took a fishing trip to Ontario, Canada. My dad had a friend who ran a fishing camp there.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Happy Holidays 1969

Greetings Forrai's 1968

Season Greetings Forrai's 1966

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1965

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy Holidays 1969

Subject: Louis and David Forrai.
Occasion: Christmas.
Date: 1969.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Brothers.

For the first four weeks in December, I decided to post the Christmas cards that my parents started sending in 1960. I think almost everyone is familiar with the photo holiday cards that some folks choose to send.

You may wonder where my father had these cards made? My dad had a dark room in the house where we lived. Photography was my dad's hobby since the 1940's. Each one of these cards were hand made.

How was the photograph taken? In the early years my dad used a portrait camera. There was a long cable attached to the camera. He routed it so it would not appear in the photograph. He would squeeze the button to take the photograph. In later years, he had a 35mm camera with a built in timer. My father aways used a tripod, and it would take him a good deal of time for the set up for these annual photographs.

This photograph was taken at a Christmas tree lot that was close to our home. I do not remember if this was the actual picture used on the holiday greeting card, but I do know it was from the photographic shoot.

It amazes me, how many of my relatives and friends of our family have hung onto these photographs. I am not the only one with a collection!

Greetings Forrai's 1968

Seasons Greetings 1966

Seasons Greetings 1965

Greetings Forrai's 1964

Season's Greetings Forrai's 1963

Season's Greetings 1962

Merry Christmas 1961

Best Wishes 1960

Friday, November 23, 2012

At the Schroeder Hotel, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subjects seated at the table: Unknown couple, Joseph Frank Forrai(age 44) and Norma Elsbeth Waswo(age 35).
Date: 1957.
Location: Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Patrick Cudahy Company Function.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father and Mother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album she made for me.

There was little written on the photograph or the on the album page itself. My mother wrote that this was a company function at the Schroeder Hotel that is located in downtown Milwaukee. The Schroeder was also the location of the Junior Prom that I attended during high school.

This also could be an Elk's club function, as my father was a member during this time. It appears to be a formal occasion and I love the dress and purse my mother was wearing. My father was well known for his bow ties. I remember him wearing a straight tie occasionally, but there was always the remark of, 'what happened, no bow tie?' I am also not sure if this photograph was before or after my parents wedding, as they were wed November 16, 1957.

I welcome any additional comments or information from family and friends about this photograph.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fourth of July, 1958

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subjects: Lucy Traulsen Waswo(age 67); George Daniel Waswo III (age 10) and Florence Allen Desenis(age 54).
Date: July 1958.
Occasion: 4th of July.
Location: National Avenue, West Allis, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: maternal grandmother and maternal cousins.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. I am posting and commenting on the photographs from this album.

This is one of my favorite photographs and about the only one that I have of Daniel as a child. I have many fond memories of my grandmother and Cousin Florence. Florence would always make sure to make the trip to visit the Milwaukee relatives during the summer, and some of the Milwaukee relatives would make the trip in the Fall to Illinois to visit her.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Albert Emil Reichardt, 1958

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subjects: Albert Emil Reichardt (age 72) and unknown boy.
Date: May August 1958.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: husband of grand aunt.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. I am posting and commenting on the photographs from this album.

The 'unknown boy' in this photograph is most likely a neighbor's child. I remember my grandmother relaying this information. My Grand Uncle Albert passed away at age 73 seven months after I was born. Albert was the man that introduced my father Joseph to my mother Norma. Albert and my father were both members of the Elk Club in Milwaukee. They would meet there for lunch and play cards. I am sure at these boy's clubs there was some matchmaking going on. This is one of the few photographs that I have of my Grand Uncle Abby.

My Grand Uncle and Aunt lived on a corner lot with the front of the house facing Grant Blvd in a two story white frame home. They had a large screened in front porch. My dad in the summer would occasionally sleep on the porch when he did not want to venture home after a hot card game down at the club.  As a very young child I remember spending a summer weekend with my Grand Aunt and sleeping on the front porch as well.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mystery photograph?

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Street in China.
Date: Circa 1940's, WWII.
Location: China.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Al Paskowicz.
Relationship: Paternal uncle.

While going through boxes, I found this photograph in an envelope. It is a small photograph approximately 1 x 2 inches. It is interesting to find photographs like this and not really know much about it. Both my paternal Uncle Al and maternal Uncle George were stationed in China during WWII. This photograph was found in an envelope with my Uncle Al's name on it. How my parents ever got it, I will never know. My father did receive letters from his brother-in-law during the war, and this photograph might have been included in one of them.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about this photograph.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Caroline Alma Traulsen

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Caroline Alma Traulsen.
Date: Circa 1948.
Location: Madison, Wisconsin.
Occasion: University Graduation.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship: Maternal 1st cousin 1x removed.

While going through boxes, I found this photograph. I believe it is either Cousin Caroline's 21st birthday photograph(popular with my family) or her college graduation. I have asked Caroline to comment and it is posted below.

This is her reply: Hello Louis, This photo was taken in 1948, a year before I was graduated from The University of Wis. in Madison. I am fairly sure that it was used for the University yearbook. I still wear my hair in the same style! I remember that I gave a photo to your mother!
I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about this photograph.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Paul and Ann

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Paul August Bockay and Ann L. Schoblocher.
Date: 1940's.
Location: Grant Park, shores of Lake Michigan, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship: Paternal uncle and aunt.

This photograph was provided by my Cousin Gail, daughter of Paul and Ann. The information above was provided by her. I really appreciate receiving photographs of my family from this era.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about the photographs.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wedding of Paul and Ann

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Paul August Bockay and Ann L. Schoblocher.
Date: February 16, 1946.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Joseph Forrai.
Relationship: Paternal uncle and aunt.

While going through boxes, I found this photograph in an envelope. It is a small photograph approximately 1 x 2 inches.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about this photograph.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Margaret and Dawn Paskowicz

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Margaret and Dawn Paskowicz.
Date: late 1940's.
Location: Greendale, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Al Paskowicz.
Relationship: Paternal aunt and cousin.

While going through boxes, I found these photographs in an envelope with Al Paskowicz’s name on it. They are small photographs approximately 1 x 2 inches. I am thinking they are of Al, Margaret and Dawn about 1947 or 1948? I believe these photographs are in front or near their home in Greendale, WI.

I sent the photographs to my Cousin Dawn and her response is below:

Those pictures for sure were from the Botanical Gardens at Whitnall Park. I was there just a few years ago with my mother. Even though I haven’t seen the picture of the man with his back facing us, I’m pretty sure it’s your dad. Since I look about four years old in those pictures, I’d guess them to be from 1947. I’ll check my photo album where I saw some of the same ones.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about the photographs.

Friday, September 28, 2012

A day at the Rose Garden, part 2

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Al and Dawn Paskowicz

Joseph Forrai(back side) and Al Paskowicz(far right)
Subject: Top: Al and Dawn Paskowicz. Bottom: Joseph Forrai and Al Paskowicz.
Date: late 1940's.
Location: Boerner Botanical Gardens, Hales Corners, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Margaret Paskowicz.
Relationship: Father, paternal uncle and cousin.

While going through boxes, I found these photographs in an envelope with Al Paskowicz’s name on it. They are small photographs approximately 1 x 2 inches. I am thinking they are of Al, Margaret and Dawn about 1947 or 1948?

I sent them to my Cousin Dawn and her response is below:

Those pictures for sure were from the Botanical Gardens at Whitnall Park. I was there just a few years ago with my mother. Even though I haven’t seen the picture of the man with his back facing us, I’m pretty sure it’s your dad. Since I look about four years old in those pictures, I’d guess them to be from 1947. I’ll check my photo album where I saw some of the same ones.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about the photographs.   For more information on Boerner Botanical Gardens and Whitnall Park, click link below:     Boerner Botanical Gardens

Friday, September 21, 2012

A day in the Rose Garden

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Dawn Paskowicz.
Date: late 1940's.
Location: Boerner Botanical Gardens, Hales Corners, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Al Paskowicz.
Relationship: Paternal cousin.

While going through boxes, I found these photographs in an envelope with Al Paskowicz’s name on it.  They are small photographs approximately 1 x 2 inches. I am thinking they are of Al, Margaret and Dawn about 1947 or 1948?

I sent them to my Cousin Dawn and her response is below:

Those pictures for sure were from the Botanical Gardens at Whitnall Park. I was there just a few years ago with my mother. Even though I haven’t seen the picture of the man with his back facing us, I’m pretty sure it’s your dad. Since I look about four years old in those pictures, I’d guess them to be from 1947. I’ll check my photo album where I saw some of the same ones.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about the photographs.

For information on Boerner Botanical Gardens and Whitnall Park click the link below:

Boerner Botanical Gardens

Friday, September 14, 2012

A lesson in photography, circa late 1940's

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Dawn Paskowicz

Ann Bockay
Subject: Dawn Paskowicz and Ann Bockay.
Date: late 1940's.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Joseph Forrai.
Relationship: Aunt and Cousin from paternal side.

My father Joseph hand wrote the captions on the photographs. Per my cousin Dawn via email the young photographer was her, Dawn Paskowicz. The photographs were taken at Mary Nowakowski's house. Dawn remembers the chair.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about the photographs.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dawn Paskowicz, circa late 1940's

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Dawn Paskowicz.
Date: late 1940's.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Joseph Forrai.
Relationship: Cousin from paternal side.
The above two pictures I found in a box. They are of my Cousin Dawn from the late 1940's.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about the photographs.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Donald Paskowicz, 1947-1967

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Sophomore and Junior High School Pictures of Donald Paskowicz.
Date: Top two: 1964, bottom two: 1965.
Location: Greendale, Wisconsin.
Occasion: From Greendale High School Yearbooks.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship: Cousin from paternal side.

September 4 will be the anniversary of the birth of Donald Paskowicz, so this week in honor of Donald, I decided to post the only pictures I have of him.

I have the current principal of Greendale High School, Steve Lodes to thank for these pictures from  yearbooks during the years that Donald attended. Unfortunately, there was not a senior graduation photograph of Donald. Donald did graduate in 1966 with his class, but after the summer session.

From high school graduation, Donald was inducted in the US Army and served in Vietnam. Unfortunately, he was driving his jeep and hit a land mind and was killed in action on July 17, 1967 at age 19.

On the far lower left corner of the fourth picture, you will see Donald's homeroom teacher, Dean Russell. Mr. Russell was the librarian and also my mother, Norma Forrai's boss when she worked at Greendale High School during the late 1960's and 1970's. My mom worked the school calendar, so she could be off when my brother and I were off from school. Once we were old enough, she returned to the county and resumed work in the court system.
The above picture is of the Vietnam Memorial, and halfway through the panel on the far right, you can view Donald's name.

I do not have many memories of Donald, as I was a very young boy at the time of his death. I did receive his 3 speed bicycle and rode it for many years before completely wearing it out. I never forgot the original owner of the bicycle.

Thank you Donald for your service to our country. It is a shame that you perished so early in life. It is an honor to have been your cousin.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Maria Schmidt & Heinrich Lueth

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Left to Right: Maria Schmidt and Heinrich Lueth.
Date: 1800's.
Location: New Ulm, Minnesota.
Occasion: Portraits.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship: Second Great Paternal Grandmother and Grandfather.

Heinrich Lueth was born September 2, 1818 in Meckel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. At age 27, he married Maria Schmidt in Staven, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany before immigrating to the United States. I do not have any information as to the exact date they arrived in the States, but Heinrich and Maria are recorded in the 1880 Census residing in New Ulm, Brown County, Minnesota. Heinrich was a farmer. He passed away by an accidental drowning, the exact date unknown but attributed by Elfrieda Schutt as September 11, 1896 at the age of 78 in New Ulm, Minnesota.

Maria Schmidt was born in 1821 in Meckel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. She passed away on February 6, 1897 at age of 76 in New Ulm, Minnesota.

Heinrich and Maria had four surviving children, Augusta Rudolphi Lueth(1846-1903), Johana Lueth Waswo Giermann(1848-1935)(My Maternal Great Grandmother), Elise Lueth(1853-1878) and Frederick T. Lueth(1861-1945).

Johana kept in contact with her brother Frederick. Fredrick moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he worked and is the place of  his death.

These photographs were in the possession of my maternal grandmother, Lucy Waswo. They were together in a frame. I carefully removed them and scanned the photographs to preserve them digitally.

Below is the death notice from the New Ulm newspaper provided by my Cousin Judith Jacob.
In the future, I will return and share more photographs and information about this portion of my family tree.

Friday, August 17, 2012

George Daniel Waswo Sr. & Lucy Helen Traulsen

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Left to Right: George Daniel Waswo Sr.(age 31), and Lucy Helen Traulsen(Waswo)(age 24).
Date: March 28, 1915.
Location: 5328 Leland Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Occasion: Engagement.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship: Maternal Grandmother and Grandfather.

In the next few weeks, I am going back in time so to speak, to post pictures that I have found in boxes. To date, I have pretty much followed the timeline from the photograph album that my mother, Norma created for me.

Since my maternal grandfather passed away years before I was born, I asked my mother when I was in my late 20's if I could have a picture of grandfather and grandmother. Mom found this photograph and gave it to me. I framed it and it hangs next to my desk where I am typing this. I find comfort having imagines of my ancestors close by while I work.

My grandparents were married on August 19, 1915. This photograph has always been attributed as an engagement picture. It was taken at the home of my great grandmother, George's mother, Johana Lueth Waswo Giermann. There are many posts and photographs of Great Grandmother Giermann, that you may explore.

If you look closely at George on his left lapel, you will see a shiny button and chain. During this era, this was how men wore their pocket watch. If I do say so myself, my grandfather was very handsome and grandmother so very pretty. The both look very fashionable for the era.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

These are the last two photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
 Subject: Left to Right: The wedding cake with unknown guests.
Subject: Left to Right: Unknown guests, wedding cake, Joseph Frank Forrai(age 32), and Norma Elsbeth Waswo(Forrai)(age 35).
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
Subject: Left to Right: George Daniel Waswo Jr.(age 40), Middle top George Daniel Waswo III(age 9), Richard John Waswo(age 4) and Norma Elsbeth Waswo(age 35).
Subject: Left to Right: George Daniel Waswo III(age 9), Lucy Traulsen Waswo(age 66) and Richard John Waswo(age 4).
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
Subject: Left to Right: Alan Bockay, Gail Bockay and Donald Paskowicz(age 10).
Subject: Left to Right: Gail Bockay, Ann L. Schoblocher Bockay(age 32), and Alan Bockay.
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.
I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
Subject: Left to Right: Unknown guests in receiving line with the Pastor and his wife.
Subject: Left to Right: Norma Waswo(age 35), Joseph Forrai(age 44).
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Remembering Donald Paskowicz

Today, I am taking a break from my parents wedding pictures to post a memorial to my cousin Donald Paskowicz. Unfortunately, I have gone through the family photographs that I have, and have been unable to find a photograph of Donald. It was 45 years ago today that Donald was killed in action July 15, 1967 in Phuoc Tuy, South Vietnam.
David Olsen writes, I did not know Donald as he served in a different unit. He was with the 11th Cav(Blackhorse's) and I was with the 3/4 Cav. Both of our units did about the same thing in Vietnam. About a year ago I started creating these memorial pages for all the men my unit lost. As I searched for my unit's men I would come across other men and felt compelled to create a page for them too. One thing led to another and before I knew it I was creating pages for a lot of the Blackhorse fallen men. Below is the link to his page and on the page is also a link to his unit's website. Unfortunately I am missing his photo. Maybe you have one or know someone that does.

The link to the memorial that David has provided is below:

Donald is also remembered on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C.
His name is on Panel 23E, Row 077, and can be seen to the far right near the words Row 77 in the photograph above. You can see the entire panel at:

I was 8 years old when Donald was killed in action at age 19. He was born September 4, 1947 and lived in Greendale, Wisconsin. I still can remember the funeral service and burial in Forest Park Cemetery with the folding of the flag and the gun salute.

I also remember my parents bringing food to my Uncle Al and Aunt Margaret. We were sitting in their living room providing support and condolences. These images are still so vivid, and I remember the sadness of the entire family.

My Uncle and Aunt gave me Donald's bicycle. I rode it for many years. It was a red 3-speed, and I used it to deliver newspapers and to go to and from school. I wore the bicycle out after years of service, but every time I would ride it, I would think of and remember my Cousin Donald.

It is my hope that we will be able to find a photograph of Donald and post it to his memorial. Donald, your family has not forgotten you, and we appreciate your sacrifice to our country. You passed at such a young age, and so much potential was lost. We have not forgotten you.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
Subject: Left to Right: Unknown guests.

Subject: Left to Right: Edward Kmieciak(age 35), Elizabeth Forrai Schelonka(age 46), Leo Schelonka(age 48), and Justine June Bockay Kmieciak(age 32).
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
Subject: Left to Right: Alma Bertha Traulsen Reichardt(age 60), Albert Emil Reichardt(age 71), and unknown guest.

Subject: Left to Right: Rose Forrai Bockay(age 69), Unknown guest(middle), and 'Auntie' Elizabeth Bockay(wife of George Bockay and mother of Steve Bockay).
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Forrai-Waswo Wedding, November 16, 1957

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my parents wedding from their wedding album.
Subject: Left to Right: Lucille Waswo(age 36), George Daniel Waswo III(age 9), Richard John Waswo(age 4), and George Daniel Waswo, Jr.(age 40).
Subject: Left to Right: Unknown guests, and head of Richard John Waswo(age 4).
Date: November 16, 1957.
Location: Milwaukee, WI.
Occasion: Wedding Day.
Photographer: Albin C. Paskowicz.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can identify people in the photographs.