Friday, November 2, 2012

Mystery photograph?

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subject: Street in China.
Date: Circa 1940's, WWII.
Location: China.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Al Paskowicz.
Relationship: Paternal uncle.

While going through boxes, I found this photograph in an envelope. It is a small photograph approximately 1 x 2 inches. It is interesting to find photographs like this and not really know much about it. Both my paternal Uncle Al and maternal Uncle George were stationed in China during WWII. This photograph was found in an envelope with my Uncle Al's name on it. How my parents ever got it, I will never know. My father did receive letters from his brother-in-law during the war, and this photograph might have been included in one of them.

I welcome comments from friends and family members who can provide information about this photograph.


  1. That's an interesting shot. Just one serviceman in the photo? Do you recognize him?

  2. No, and he may be Chinese? If memory services we were helping the Chinese keep Japan out of their country.
