Friday, December 28, 2012

Unknown Wedding

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.
Subjects: Unknown couple.
Date: 1950's.
Location: Wisconsin.
Occasion: Wedding.
Photographer: Joseph F. Forrai.
I came across this 8 x 10 photograph amongst my father's belongings. I have emailed it to several of my cousins to see if they could identify the couple.  My father considered himself an amateur photographer, and this might have been an extra print from a wedding that he photographed.
I welcome any additional comments or information from family and friends about this photograph.
My Cousin Dorinne Green wrote on a facebook comment: It might be Mary Benson and Donald Borgwardt. Donald would be a second cousin to Caroline and me. Donald and Mary divorced, don't know when, and both are deceased, don't know date. Caroline might be able to make a more positive ID. Cheers.
I have since sent the photograph to my Cousin Caroline, but have not received a response.

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