Friday, August 27, 2010

Lucy Traulsen, Age 22

Subject: Lucy Traulsen
Age: 22
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Occasion: Unknown
Date: 1913
Photographer: Perdieu, Milwaukee

My plan was to post the wedding pictures of George Daniel Waswo and Lucy Traulsen in August; as August was the month of their marriage. However, while going through some boxes, I found additional photographs from this era of my grandfather and grandmother. My mother, Norma, gave me these photographs years ago. I forgot I had them. In the following weeks I will post photographs of my grandparents from their courting days. Finally, in September the wedding photographs will be posted.

This photograph is very unusual. It is tall and narrow. The name of the photographer is embossed in raised letters in the lower right hand corner. The photograph is glued to a gray card, with a fold similar to a pamphlet. In fact, it resembles a book marker.

It is my opinion, this photograph was given to my grandfather so he would have a picture of my grandmother while he was on the road selling yeast.

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