Friday, August 20, 2010

The Courtship of my Grandparents

Subject: Lucy Traulsen(age 24) and George D. Waswo(age 32)
Location: 5328 Leland Av., Chicago, IL
Occasion: Unknown
Date: March 28, 1915
Photographer: Unknown

This is a very fragile photograph that was given to me by my mother. I had it framed and it hangs on my wall. This is a pre-wedding picture of my grandfather and grandmother taken on a visit to Chicago. On the back of the photograph, is my grandmother's handwriting of the location and date of the photograph. The ink has faded over the years and it is difficult to read.

You can tell that it is a cold spring day with the barren trees in the background and the heavy coats that my grandparents are wearing.

I love looking at these pictures of my grandparents in their youth. It amazes me to see the family resemblance between Grandma Lucy and my mother, Norma, and Grandpa George and my Uncle George, Norma's brother.


  1. Grandma Lucy looks so lovely and happy here, and Grandpa George has such a sporty hat! What is that hanging from his lapel ?

  2. On Grandpa George's pocket was a watch fob. There was a button hole in the coat, and at one end of the fob was a button, usually engraved. The chain led down to the watch pocket where the pocket watch was placed. If you go back to Great Uncle Henning's photograph and blog post on July 2, 2010, you will see a similar fob and I commented on the fob and watch in that entry. I don't know what happened to Grandpa George's pocket watch and fob. It would have made sense that your father George received it being the only son.
