Friday, September 3, 2010

George Daniel Waswo with his mother's cat

Subject: George Daniel Waswo with his mother's cat.
Age: 29
Location: Jefferson Park, Chicago, Illinois
Occasion: Unknown
Date: May 31, 1914
Photographer: Unknown

My plan was to post the wedding pictures of George Daniel Waswo and Lucy Traulsen in August; as August was the month of their marriage. However, while going through some boxes, I found additional photographs from this era of my grandfather and grandmother. My mother, Norma, gave me these photographs years ago. I forgot I had them. In the following weeks I will post photographs of my grandparents from their courting days. Finally, near the end of September the wedding photographs will be posted.

I know very little about this photograph, but it is one of the very few I have of my grandfather in a casual setting. Most of the photographs are professional or of my grandfather in more formal attire.

It even further amazes me to find a picture of my grandfather with a cat. Per my mother, Norma, George did not approve of pets or animals whether they be inside or outside. Norma was always the animal lover and wanted to bring strays home, but her father George was always dead against it.

As an adult, Norma usually had a pet. Even when she lived in one of grandmother's apartments, she had a little dog. Grandmother didn't mind animals one bit, as long as she did not have to take care of them. During my childhood we had a number of pets, one dog and several cats. Norma never cared to have more than one at a time, but I can remember a furry companion through most of my childhood.

So, we have the mystery of this photograph. I will never know the full story behind it.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really wonderful photograph...and I see so much of my dad in it.
