Saturday, September 25, 2010

mamma and papa

Subject: Henning William Traulsen Sr. and Alma Helen Wolff
Occasion: Unknown
Date: Unknown
Photographer: Wollensak Studio, 500 National Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Henning was born on December 23, 1860 in Karlberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He emigrated to the United States and arrived on May 5, 1885.

Alma Helen Wolff was born on November 23, 1865 in Schniedermuhl Proving
Rosen, Germany (my spelling may be incorrect as I was reading it from a very old document). Alma arrived in the United States on October 12, 1882.

Henning and Alma were the parents of my maternal Grandmother Lucy Albertine Helene Traulsen. They were wed on October 15, 1886 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

On the back of the photograph is written mamma and papa, and it appears to be in my Grandmother's handwriting.

I take a break once again in the time line, to return to a photograph I recently found of my maternal, maternal, great, great grandparents. Unfortunately, I know very little about this photograph. I feel it was taken after 1886 the date of their wedding, as both appear older to me. The photograph is mounted on heavy cardboard.

Henning and Alma ran a bakery in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The exact location is unknown to me. After Henning's death in 1906, the bakery was run by Arthur, Henning Jr. and my Grandmother Lucy. I do not remember any stories that revealed the demise of the bakery. Arthur passed away in 1960 and Henning Jr. in 1966.

Next week we will discover what life beheld the bakers, and my Grandmother Lucy's role.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy Green gives this correction:

    One correction for you the city is Schneidemuhl in the Province of Posen (at one point part of Prussia now Poland). See link below which gives info. on this town.

    I was reading this in Great Aunt Alma's handwritting and it was very difficult. Thank you so much for the clarification.
