Friday, July 16, 2010

A Young Lady

Subject: Lucy A. Trualsen
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: 5328 Leland Avenue, Chicago, IL
Date: March 16, 1913
Photographer: Unknown.

This photograph was taken in the late winter/early spring of 1913. My best guess for the photographer was George D. Waswo. This was the courtship era for my grandparents, and the occasion most likely was a visit with the future in-laws and family. Lucy was 22 years old in this photograph.

I have several photographs of my grandparents from this time frame, and they will be shared over the next several weeks.

When viewing these photographs, I am impressed with the style and finesse of the clothing my grandmother was wearing. I always have memories of my grandmother 'dressed up'. I think from early in her life she always enjoyed dressing up and looking as good as she could. Of course, she was probably trying to win the love and affection of my future grandfather!

It would be great to have written down what grandmother had to say about each of these photographs, as there always was a story involved. Unfortunately, the story is lost, but these photographs reveal a brief imagine of what life was like in years past, and of our family when they were young.

Note in the photograph that the trees were beginning to leaf, and the flowers blooming in the grass. All of this was the signs of spring.

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