Friday, July 29, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1940's.
Location: South Pacific.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Joe and WWII

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subject: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Date: 1942.
Location: Unknown.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

In the next few weeks I will be posting photographs of my father and taken by my father during WWII. My father was trained in the United States and was a Quartermaster. The Quartermasters are the supply line, and while you would think it was safer than being on the line, think again. You effect more, if you knock out the supply line. My father was stationed in the Pacific and had the chance to be based in Australia, New Zealand, and of course the pacific islands with exact locations unknown to me.

You may also want to check out my other blog, where I have been posting letters that my Uncle Paul wrote to my father. Paul was in Europe and my dad in the pacific. The link to the Shoebox of Letters can be found to your right of this column.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Joe and his girlfriend

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Joseph F. Forrai Bockay and his girlfriend.
Date: 1941.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

Well, most certainly I am glad that this relationship did not come to pass. Here again, we have a pre-WWII photograph of my father and his girl friend. Off to war my father went, and young love died away. His girlfriend did not wait for my father's return, but found another. Had she waited, you would not be reading this, as I would not exist!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Joe and his dog.

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Joseph F. Forrai Bockay and his dog.
Date: 1941.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Father.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

I only have a few pictures of my father from this era. The dog in this picture is named Spud. As a child, I heard many stories about this dog. It was my father's favorite dog. Unfortunately, WWII got in the way, so while the family at home cared for Spud, my father was many, many miles away.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Rose Forrai Bockay and friend

Click on the picture below to enlarge it. Select the back button on your browser to return to the post.

Subjects: Rose Forrai Bockay and friend.
Date: 1940's.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Occasion: Unknown.
Photographer: Joseph Frank Forrai.
Relationship to me: Paternal Grandmother.

Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother. This is a photograph from the album made for me.

This is one of the few photographs that I have of my paternal grandmother during this era. I do not recognize the lady that is seated next to my grandmother, but perhaps one of my relatives will and will comment on this post.