Friday, June 11, 2010

In Memory of Norma Elsbeth Waswo Forrai

I am taking a departure in the time line this week, to honor the memory of Norma Elsbeth Waswo Forrai, my mother. She passed away on June 9, 2009.

The top picture is of Norma and her mother, Lucy Traulsen Waswo. The picture was taken the summer of 1922. Norma was about 7 months old. This picture was taken in the backyard of the Waswo Grocery Store and their home, on E. Ring and N. Richards Streets in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The middle picture is of Norma taken on August 17, 1946. Norma was the maid of honor of her best friend, Gloria LaPorte Strei. The photograph was taken on the front porch of the home of Earl and Helen LaPorte in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The LaPortes have been close family friends for many years. Helen LaPorte was best friends with Lucy T. Waswo, and Helen's daughter Gloria was Norma's best friend. I had never seen this photograph before July 2009. When I traveled to Wisconsin, to have mom placed next to dad, Gloria Strei gave me this picture. The photograph captures my mother in her youth. Though taken before I was born, I became attached to it. I call this photograph 'Forever Norma', as it portrays her as I know how she would like us all to remember her. Sun in her eyes and a smile on her face, she was very happy on the wedding day of her best friend. Gloria married William F. Strei and they have been married 63 years. They reside in Brookfield, Wisconsin.

The bottom photograph of Norma was taken on Mother's Day in May 2007. The Adult Daycare she attended photographed a portrait as a gift for each client's family. Norma loved the color purple, and this was one of her favorite outfits. Mom enjoyed the daycare very much. She loved watching old western movies, playing the card game UNO, and dancing. She looked forward to going every day. The adult daycare was a blessing for me, as I could work full time and rest at ease knowing that mom was being well taken care of.

Norma spent most of her adult life employed in public service. She worked for the gas company, Milwaukee Public Library, Greendale High School and for Milwaukee County. She was always kind to people and her coworkers and customers always spoke highly of her. I remember her sense of humor and the smile on her face. She had a long and happy life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and my dad. I will always love her.

1 comment:

  1. She was a beautiful person, Louis, at all stages of her life. What a nice tribute!
