Friday, May 21, 2010


Subject: William Paul Edwin Traulsen
Occasion: Birth? First Birthday?
Date: Unknown
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Photographer: Unknown

William is the first child of Henning and Alma Traulsen. William was born August 22, 1887. Imagine the joy, Henning and Alma's first child. Photography was expensive, but they needed to mark this very special occasion. Unfortunately all their dreams faded when William passed away on November 29, 1889. He was one year and three months old, and is buried in the Forest Home Cemetery in Milwaukee, WI. I do not know the details of young William's passing. What heartache Alma and Henning must have felt? What potential was lost with William's untimely death? You are probably looking at the only picture of William.

The picture itself was large close to 6" x 8". It was mounted on heavy cardboard. I do not know what the original was like, as the photograph was cut into an oval shape, and placed in an oval frame. I assume the frame was broken, as all that remains is the photograph. I don't know who cut the photograph, was it the once proud mother, Alma? Or was it her daughter, Alma Bertha? Alma Bertha might have wanted to remember her older brother even though he passed before she was born.

Subject: George Daniel Waswo III
Occasion: High School Graduation
Date: 1966
Location: West Allis, WI
Photographer: Unknown

Daniel was the son of George Daniel Waswo, Jr. and Lucille G. Waswo. He was born on June 23, 1948. Such great potential was lost at an early age, as Dan passed away on May 18, 1974 at the age of 25. He is buried at Wisconsin Memorial Park in Brookfield, WI. At the time of his death, Dan was working on his car. It was speculated that the wind closed the door to the garage, and Dan was overcome by carbon monoxide. It was a shock, and I remember it.

As a child, my brother and I loved Dan, and his brother Rick. We loved it when Dan would babysit us. Dan would take what he had learned and presented it in an imaginable way that not only entertained, but taught.

I have fond memories of our living room becoming a cave. Dan would turn off all the lights, and we would walk around with flash lights. The furnishings magically transformed into cave architect through our imagination. I remember my mom and dad coming home early from their evening out, to find the house dark with light from the flashlights beaming around the living room. I can only imagine now what at the time they were thinking.

Dan sparked my imagination as well as opened my mind to enjoy learning. This is a trait I have carried through my entire life. When he passed, it was a major blow, and I have always felt a piece of my heart died that day with him. I can still visualize it in my mind.

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