Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Subject: Norma Elsbeth Waswo
Occasion: High School Graduation
Date: 1939
Age: 18
Photographer: Unknown.

What better way to begin a Blog than to start it on Mother's Day, and also post a picture that basically began it all for my life.

It is my intention to share a photograph weekly from my archive, and include as much information as I can. I encourage viewers to comment as they see fit. It is my hope that family members and friends will add additional information. Many of the earlier pictures, my comments are limited by the verbal history passed down from the relatives.

I decided to post this picture on Facebook in honor of mom. A family member and a friend, encouraged me to begin a blog. I have decided to take them up on the challenge.

Getting back to the photograph below is the comment I posted on Facebook:
'This is mom's high school graduation picture. I have always loved this picture, she is so beautiful. When I was a very small child, I would tell her that I would take care of her. Back then, I never thought it would come true. She took loving care of me for 18 years, and I was able to return the favor for 6 years. I love her, I miss her. I am grateful that her last years were good. She was well taken care of and surrounded with love. Her promises and wishes came true'.

The stories surrounding mom's high school days were not happy ones. Mom was to graduate in 1939. The picture was taken and plans were made. Unfortunately the health of mom's father took a turn for the worse. Norma's mother withdrew her from school so mom could help in the grocery store. The family had a business that needed to keep running. Mom graduated a year later, but her words relayed to me were ones of remorse. She not only had to see her father sick and dying, but also give up her senior year of high school, graduating with classmates below her. Mom never appeared to be bitter, but experiences such as these shape the rest of your life.

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