Friday, March 4, 2011

Lucy and the children.

Subjects: (Left to Right): George Daniel Waswo Jr.(age: 6 years), Norma Elsbeth Waswo(Forrai)(age 2 years) and Lucy Traulsen Waswo(age 32).
Date: 1923.
Occasion: Unknown.
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Maternal Grandmother, mother and Uncle.

I have very little information regarding this photograph. Once my mother retired, she went through the boxes of photographs and created historical photo albums. She made one for myself and one for my brother.

I remember seeing this photograph often as a child in my Grandmother's home. I always thought my mother looked like Shirley Temple in photographs during this era. My grandmother would tell me what beautiful blond hair my mother had as a young child, as mother aged her hair colored darken to brown. If blonds have more fun, then these years must have been a blast for mom.

The other thing I loved about this photograph as a child was my Uncle in the sailor suit. Might have been, because I had a sailor suit as a young child too, and one of these days you may see it posted on this blog!

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