Friday, February 4, 2011

Elizabeth Forrai Schelonka

Subject: Elizabeth Forrai Schelonka, age 15.
Occasion: Unknown.
Date: Summer 1926.
Location: Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Photographer: Unknown.
Relationship to me: Paternal Aunt.

I found this photograph in a box after my mother had passed away. On the back of the photograph was written Elizabeth, summer 1926, in my Grandmother Rose's handwriting.

This is one of the few photographs that I have from my father's side of the family, especially during this era. I do remember seeing this photograph as a child. If memory serves correctly, I believe my Aunt was off to work.

It is my hope, after posting this photograph, that one of my relatives may be able to shed additional information.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Wicho,

    The picture you posted here on your blog I believe is my wonderful grandmother Elizabeth who was married to Leo! I just found your blog today and I know this blog is very old, but if you are still monitoring it, I would like to get in touch with you and share info.Rose Fortai/Bockay was my great grandmother. How can I reach you, I am not on Facebook. I hope you are doing well! Theresa
