Saturday, December 13, 2014

The original Elf on the Shelf, circa 1964

This is the 50th year, that this little fellow has adorned the family Christmas tree. He brings back many childhood memories.

One holiday season, many years ago, Joe and Norma had a holiday party to attend. Because of the hustle and bustle of the season, a babysitter was difficult to find. Grandma Rose agreed to watch the children, but she did not drive. Joe went and picked her up to bring her to our house. We always enjoyed every minute with Grandma, so were looking forward to the evening. It was a cold December day and the snow laid thick on the ground.

Joe and Norma were off, and Grandma was left with my brother and I. While we sat and talked, she relayed how she wanted to buy us a gift for Christmas. So we bundled up in our winter clothes and walked in the cold and snow to U-tell. The store was warm, so we unzipped our jackets and walked the isles. We were both young, and money did not mean much to us. We would stop and say to Grandma, 'oh, I would really like this', but Grandma only had $2 and would say, I just don't have the money for that.

My brother and I finally settled for these elves, mine green, my brother's red. When we returned home, we hung them on the tree. Every Christmas they have returned to adorn the tree and bring back all those precious memories of Christmas past and Grandma Rose.

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