Friday, November 5, 2010

Grandma's House

Subject: Johana Lueth Waswo Giermann's House
Occasion: Unknown
Date: 1913
Location: 5328 Leland Ave, Jefferson Park, Chicago, IL
Photographer: Most Likely, George D. Waswo.

I thought with being November and the holidays fast approaching, most people remember family and friends. The song over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go, comes to mind. So this week and next, I will post pictures of Grandmother Johana's house.

With the leaves on the trees and two young men on the porch in shirt sleeves, I doubt very much this photograph was taken in November. Mostly likely during the Spring or Summer of 1913. I zoomed in on the two young men on the porch. The resolution is poor, but I can tell neither of the two men are my Grandfather George. I am guessing the one standing is his brother Robert and the one in the back ground Albert. If you remember from earlier posts, Albert was a breached child. While he was able to work, he could not care for himself on his own. Initially Grandmother Johana cared for him until her death in 1935. After that his sisters Minnie and Alma cared for him until his death in 1948.

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